Guide on how to easily withdraw DANA through Alfamart

DANA apart from being an online transaction bill payment tool, can also be used to receive money from other people by transferring via the Top Up method. There are 2 methods to withdraw DANA balance, the first by transferring the fund balance to a bank account and the second by cash withdrawing the DANA balance through Alfamart outlets.

For cash withdrawals from the DANA balance at Alfamart outlets, there is no Admin fee at all or free, provided that there are no more than 10 cash withdrawal transactions within 1 month. If you exceed the maximum limit of free transactions 10 times within a period of 1 month, an Admin fee will be charged.

Guide on how to easily withdraw FUND balance through Alfamart

1. Open the DANA application

2. Select the Withdraw Balance Menu Option

3. Select the Alfamart DANA Withdrawal Method

4. Enter the nominal amount for withdrawal of the DANA Balance (Minimum 50,000, -)

5. Press the Withdraw Balance Menu Option

6. Enter your DANA Account PIN

7. Press Show Token

8. Enter your DANA Account PIN

9. Show TOKEN to Alfamart Cashier for processing

10. Receive money from the withdrawal of the DANA Balance from Alfamart Cashier

11. Say Thank You to Alfamart Cashier

This is the Tutorial Guide on How to Withdraw FUNDS through Alfamart free of charge Admin fees. Hope it is easy to understand and useful for you. Help support by LikeFanspage, Subscribe and Share.
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