How to Overcome Severe Hair Loss Naturally

Hair Loss and Severe Dandruff . Having hair as the crown of a woman that is beautiful, soft, thick, is the dream of all women. However, to make it happen is not easy. Most women experience the same problem namely hair loss due to unhealthyness.

Factors that cause hair loss and dandruff problems

There are many factors that affect hair health in order to avoid hair loss problems. Among the general factors behind the problem of hair loss, be it natural causes or due to lifestyle, are not as follows:

1. offspring

Factors that cause hair loss problems can also be due to heredity, where there are some people who are hereditary. When stepping on with baldness, even from infancy some have thin hair and fall out easily.

2. Pregnancy

Hair loss problems are experienced by many pregnant women. Somehow this can happen, not all pregnant women experience this problem. Probably due to an increase in hormones associated with pregnancy.

3. Stress

Stress can also cause hair loss. Where people who are stressed or depressed because they experience many problems will tend not to pay much attention to body care and healthy lifestyles. thinking about the problem at hand for a long time and deeply will affect the performance of the brain, so that the temperature in the head area increases drastically resulting in hair loss.

4. Hormone influence

The hormonal instability in the body can also lead to hair loss problems. Hormones that go up or down dramatically result in decreased health and immunity, which can lead to hair loss problems.

5. Certain diseases

Hair loss can also result from certain diseases. Especially skin diseases in the head area such as fungi, siberoik and other skin diseases such as scabies and ringworm which cause hair growth to be disturbed and even die, resulting in hair loss problems.

6. Drugs

Consuming too many certain drugs in high doses can also result in hair loss. Cases like this are almost the same with people whose hearing is poor and even deaf due to overdose of drugs.

7. Eat unhealthy foods

Does not rule out the existence of foods which, when consumed, can cause hair loss problems. Whether it is consumed on a small or large scale depending on the harmful substances contained in it.

8. Less Maintain Cleanliness of the Scalp

Hair loss problems can also result from a lack of maintaining the health and cleanliness of the scalp. For example, you rarely have cramps even though your daily activities tend to be at risk of causing excessive sweating. Dirt and sweat that accumulate on the scalp in the long run can lead to skin problems which can lead to hair loss problems.

9. Lack of Vitamins

Lack of vitamins, especially vitamins that function to nourish hair growth and improve skin health can also lead to hair loss problems. Of course this will be related to the emergence of skin problems or diseases that cause hair loss.

10. Age factor

Hair loss problems can also be influenced by the factor of Age. Where people who are elderly experience decreased health and endurance. Renewal of dead skin cells has decreased drastically, skin and hair health will certainly be problematic.

11. sunlight

Doing outdoor activities or jobs that are at risk of being exposed to the heat of the sun for a long time and are continuous (routine) can also cause hair loss problems. Moreover, not paying attention to a healthy lifestyle and eating will cause skin health problems and hair loss.

12. Pollution

The presence of pollution or environmental pollution can also cause hair loss problems. Where of course living in a polluted / polluted area will be prone to experiencing health problems, especially the health of the scalp and hair.

13. Hair Styling effect

Changing hairstyles too often by styling hair using heating materials or tools / hair dryers is a trigger for hair loss problems. scalp and hair become damaged and unhealthy due to drugs and unnatural hair-beautifying processes such as hair dye and rebonding if it is not balanced with regular and periodic treatments.

14. Use of shampoo

Choosing and using the wrong shampoo can also cause hair loss problems. Not all shampoos are good and suitable for use by everyone. Some people are only suitable to use a certain brand of shampoo at a certain price.

Of course, the problem of hair loss caused by several factors that I have mentioned and explained above will greatly impact and affect appearance. therefore it is necessary to take precautions from an early age by knowing the factors that cause hair loss problems and also ways of treating the scalp to avoid hair loss problems.

By knowing the factors that cause hair loss problems, we can carry out an analysis to find solutions to hair loss problems based on their causes. So to deal with cases of hair loss is not the same, it must be adjusted according to the cause. thus avoiding hawking Steps or procedures that do not solve the problem or even add to the problem of hair loss.  

How to care for hair to be healthy, natural, good and correct

There are many tips on how to care for healthy hair naturally in a good and correct procedure that needs to be done to avoid hair loss problems. Creates healthy, beautiful, shiny, soft and thick hair.

1. Massage the Healthy Scalp

To avoid hair loss problems, you can routinely massage your scalp using hair nourishing oils, such as almond oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, peppermint oil, jojoba oil, bergamot essential oil, olive oil, hazelnut oil, lemon oil and hair oil such as urang-aring.Besides being able to relieve stress and create a feeling of relaxation, with the right massage it can improve blood circulation so that it can stimulate hair follicles.

2. Shampooing routine with suitable shampoo

Maintaining the cleanliness of the scalp to avoid skin diseases that cause hair loss is very important. One of them is to regularly wash your hair every day, especially when you shower in the morning with a shampoo that matches your hair type and scalp. A clean scalp and the nutrition from the shampoo can improve the health of the skin and head hair so that it can minimize the problems that cause hair loss.

3. Keep Yourself From Stress

Life is full of problems, and everyone must have their own problems that are different. Problems should not be faced with hopelessness and excessive thinking which can lead to stress. as I mentioned above that one of the causes of myopia loss is stress. So avoid stress on yourself by doing other positive activities that can divert thinking hard to focus on a problem while looking for a solution.

4. Combing Wet Hair Violently

I noticed many women when they finished showering and the condition of their hair was still soaking wet, combing their hair in a hurry, impatience and a little violence which resulted in the condition of wet hair that was still tangled messy forced trimmed so that the hair falls out in the comb.

5. Consuming hair fertilizers

Consuming certain foods that contain lots of vitamins and minerals, especially those that can nourish hair, are believed to increase hair growth and strengthen hair roots so that they don't fall out easily like vegetables Nuts and fruits that are high in protein and omega 3 fatty acids are needed for hair growth..

6. Healthy Sleep patterns

Adequate sleep with a healthy sleep pattern and avoiding staying up too often can make the body healthy and reduce the risk of stress, which is one of the factors that cause hair loss problems.

7. Avoid Tying Too Often

Too often do the act of tying hair especially too tight can cause hair loss problems. Where the hair that is often tied will experience a lack of air circulation and the hair can be broken or pulled out by force due to the pull of the tight hair ties.

Natural ingredients for Healthy Hair Care

Hair care does not always have to use ready-made hair care products at a high price. Can also use natural ingredients or better known in herbal terms that are around that do not cause side effects or a low level of side effects. Here are some natural herbal ingredients that can be used in the hair care process to avoid hair loss problems.

1. Aloe Vera flowers

Overcome the problem of hair loss naturally by utilizing aloe vera flowers.Many people say and believe that aloe vera contains many nutrients needed by hair, so that it can make hair strong and healthy by utilizing aloe vera mucus to wash it regularly in a few weeks.

2. Candlenut oil

Candlenut can be used for hair care ingredients. The content of hazelnut oil is very useful for nourishing hair, strengthening hair roots, making hair easy to style and looking dense black. To get hazelnut oil you don't need to make it manually, because there is already a legendary hair oil with hazelnut oil content, namely urang aring.

3. Avocado fruit

Consuming Avocado Fruit is believed to improve the health of the scalp and hair. The content of minerals and nutrients in avocado is very useful for stimulating and strengthening hair growth. In addition to being eaten, apokat fruit can also be used for shampooing or hair masks.

4. Lime fruit

In addition to avocado there is a lot of information circulating that lime can also be used for hair care. Usually, lime shampoo is used to wash and sterilize the scalp from the germs that cause dandruff. Nutritional content of lime fruit is believed to nourish and strengthen hair growth.

5. Green Tea leaves

Green tea leaves, which are generally used as an ingredient in tea drinks, can also be used for hair care ingredients. Namely by boiling green tea leaves and then using it to wash it regularly for several weeks.

6. Vegetable potatoes

Vegetable potatoes that are usually processed into processed food can also be used as herbal hair care ingredients. How to finely mash potatoes then use it as a hair mask regularly and periodically for several weeks.

7. Yoghurt

There is a lot of information circulating that yogurt is believed to contain many nutrients needed by hair so that it can be used as a hair care ingredient. the way is to use Yogurt as a mixture of shampoo / hair mask that can be combined with the natural ingredients that I mentioned earlier.

8. Guava fruit and leaves

Besides being edible, guava fruit can also be used for natural hair care ingredients. With the content of Vitamin B3, B5 and B6 it is believed to help accelerate the hair growth process. the way is to use guava fruit or guava leaves that have been finely ground to shampoo / mask rambuat regularly and periodically for several weeks.

9. Coconut oil

Besides being used for cooking food, head oil can also be used for hair care to treat hair loss problems. The trick is to use head oil for hair oil during the head massage process for a few minutes. after finishing rinse with shampoo until clean.

10. Shallot

The red bottom which is usually used for cooking spices can also be used as a natural hair treatment ingredient. The high sulfur content possessed by Bawan Merah is believed to be used to overcome the problem of hair loss. The method is to pound the shallot until it is smooth then mixed with honey and rub it on the scalp with a light massage. do this method regularly to get the desired results.

11. Coriander juice

Coriander fruit which is also a cooking spice turns out that the leaves can be used as an ingredient in herbal hair care. the way is to mash the cilantro until smooth, mix with a little water then use it to shampoo / hair mask, leave it on for a few minutes then rinse with shampoo and water until clean.

12. Ginger juice

Ginger, which is also an ingredient in herbal drinks and cooking spices, can also be used for herbal hair care ingredients. The trick is to blend the ginger until smooth with a mixture of enough water. Use the juice of ginger to shampoo / hair mask, let stand for a few minutes then rinse with shampoo and water until clean. Do this method regularly and periodically to get perfect results.

13. Coconut milk

In addition to head oil which can be used for herbal hair care ingredients, it turns out that coconut milk can also be trusted to treat hair loss problems. There's a reason many shampoos and conditioners are coconut-based. how to use coconut milk to shampoo / hair mask, let stand for a few minutes then rinse with shampoo and water until clean. Do this for several weeks to get and see the results.

14. Egg mask

Eggs which are processed food ingredients are again circulating a lot of information that can be used as hair care ingredients to treat hair loss problems. The trick is to mix the eggs with a tablespoon of olive oil in a small glass or bowl. then use for shampoo / hair mask, let stand for a few minutes then rinse using shampoo and clean water.

15. Papaya fruit

Papaya fruit containing chitinase is believed to be a hair care ingredient to treat hair loss problems caused by fungi that cause dandruff problems. The content of vitamins A and C in papaya is very useful for nourishing the scalp and hair growth. the way is to pound the papaya that has been dikupa and washed until smooth, add a little honey then use it to shampoo / hair mask. Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse it off using shampoo and clean water.

16. Banana fruit

Papaya fruit apart from being eaten can also be used for hair care masks. The trick is to mash or blend a ripe banana until smooth and then mix it with a little olive oil. use to shampoo / mask, let stand for a few minutes then rinse with shampoo and water until clean. To get maximum results, this method must be done regularly in a few weeks.

17. Apple cider vinegar

Content The acidic properties of apple cider vinegar can be used in hair care to treat hair loss problems. With acidic apple cider vinegar, the pH condition on the scalp can be balanced which is also useful to prevent the development of fungi and bacteria that cause dandruff. This is a good and correct description of the Causes of Factors and How to Overcome the Problem of Dandruff and Severe Hair Rotation Naturally using herbal ingredients obtained from several online health media sources.

Thus a description at length the Causes Factors and How to Overcome the Problem of Dandruff and Severe Hair Loss Naturally good and correct using herbal ingredients obtained from several online health media sources.
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