How to Overcome the TouchPad Laptop Asuz X450C Disabled

For the first time I got a Job Service Laptop Asuz Brand with Type X450C in the No Bootable Device Found condition. Where the Windows System Hard disk is not detected and read and a command appears to select / determine the Main Windows Drive System.

After I make sure the condition of the hard drive is still legible in System Bios, which means the cause of the No Bootale Device Found is because the Windows Hard Drive System that is experiencing an error is quite serious and to handle it is enough to simply Reinstall Windows. I immediately reinstall Windows using Windows 7.

The reinstallation process using Windows 7 runs well without problems until installing & nbsp; Additional Drivers and Applications. but when all the programs that I feel are needed by the user, suddenly the external mouse is disconnected and does not want to detect the mouse even though it has been repeatedly pulled out and re-plug. Strangely USB is not problematic, can still read the flash but not for an External Mouse.

With the inactivity of the external mouse, I tried to use an internal mouse (TouchPad), it turns out TaoucPad is also inactive even though I have repeatedly activated it using the Fn + F key combination ... which functions to enable and disable the TouchPad. there are no notifications on the desktop screen regarding the attempt to enable and disable the touchpa.

Without cursor access through the TouchPad and External Mouse, of course, the laptop will be difficult to use. I also tried to reinstall for the second time with the Windows 10 Installer trial. After I did the Reinstall using Windows 10, the TouchPad remained off. I also tried installing the TouchPad Driver using the Wandrv Driver Pack, Online Driver Pack and TouchPad Driver downloaded on the Asuz site manually.

As a result the TouchPad Laptop Asuz X450C remains inactive / cannot be used, but for the external mouse problem I can overcome it by replacing another mouse. When I try to activate the TouchPad using a combination of the keys Fn + F ... on the desktop screen a notification appears TouchPad is Disabled.

It means that the TouchPad is disabled (disabled) and there must be an action to reactivate it (Enabled). But to activate (Enable) TouchPad can not go through keyboard key combinations after I tried repeatedly. finally I also tried Google Searching, Alhamdulillah, the solution to the problem was I got it through one of YouTube's content.

It turns out that the feature to disable and enable the ToucPad Laptop Asuz X450C is located in the system BIOS on the Internal Pointing Device Advanced Options menu. After entering the BIOS and I checked it was indeed the condition of the Internal Pointing Device (TouchPad) in Disabled mode ..

So that the Asuz X450C TouchPad Laptop is active again and can be used, we must change the Disable Internal Pointing Device Option to Enabled.

After setting the Internal Pointing Device to Enabled, press the F10 key to save settings and restart the Laptop.

In this way the problem of the non-functioning Asuz X450C Laptop TouchPad can be easily overcome which apparently was not caused by the TouchPad Driver not being installed. of course this has been a valuable experience for myself, and it could also be a pretty valuable experience for those of you who experience the same problem where the Asuz X450C TouchPad Laptop is Off.
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