Tutorial How to Block Video Call Messenger Calls

Having lots of friends on social media is indeed something fun that is even considered something that boggles some people. One of the most popular and widely used applications for interacting on social media is Messenger, a Facebook companion chat application for Android users.

The reason there are things that are sometimes not in accordance with the wishes of the many friends, especially messenger users and even tend to interfere with comfort, especially friends who come from the country India. where Indian people who use messenger prefer to use messenger as a Vidio Call media, unlike Indonesian state messenger users.

In the messenger application itself, there is no feature to disable calls or block the phone, just block the account. While anyone who used to make Video Call without having to be friends on the messenger. of course, the account blocking method will not solve the problem, because there will be new users who can call your Vidio anytime on messenger.

Myself a few months ago often made upset by the frequent presence of Video Call from people who came from India. I have been blocked many times, but always a new account with Video Call again in Messenger.

Until finally I found a solution on how to Deactivate Calls and Block Calls from Video Calls in Messenger for all accounts both old callers and video call callers from new messenger user accounts.

The way is quite easy, you just need to enter your Android settings menu, then select the Applications and Notifications menu.

Select the Messenger application then deactivate the Show Notifications feature

In this way, all video calls from Messenger will not appear on your screen, even if someone calls you via video calls on the messenger. You will only find out who I made a Video Call on the messenger after you open the Messenger application then a notification call will appear missing from the account that is trying to make your Video Call on the messenger.

That's the tutorial on how to handle Call Video Calls on a messenger that sucks and interfere with the comfort of people who might be nosy or want to get acquainted with you directly. to re-enable notification of call notification video call on the Android screen you only need to enable Show Notification in Messenger in the Application settings menu and notifications.
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