Blogger for SEO Tips Optimization
Before your blog is created, set up the main topic you will be nosy because it will later become a blog title which is then spelled out as a description of the blog. Surely this topic is also relevant to your website as a whole. A new blogger can be said to succeed if a built blog has a lot of visitors and can produce coffers of the dollar. But the fact to create a blog that has many visitors and produces rupiah is not an easy thing. It all takes effort and hard work, many things you have to travel and one of the opportunities that potentially capture many visitors is search engine optimization or commonly called SEO terms. By relying on search engine optimization or SEO, a regular beginner can feel the effect directly by looking at the visitors ' traffic that keeps increasing every day.
If you are a beginner blogger and still confused about how to start SEO, here are the SEO steps that you can start to optimize his blog:
1. Selection of Niche Blogs
Niche selection is the most important thing in creating a blog. In creating the work it takes knowledge of the work you will make. So, even if you use the author's services though, you'll keep a double check on the posts they later make.
It's not only about money, but it's also about the soul. Because what you later wrote will be a reference to many people. A blog should be accountable for its contents, so if the orientation is just money, it will surely fall in the middle of the road if the money is not in the can. This kind of thing you can learn from Real Blogger or Youtube Creator. Their orientation is not money, but instead eventually so money (which is greater than what he thinks). This is the so-called authority. Not DA/PA Authority Yes, but your authority as author of such a blog. Know yourself first, what is your hobby? Yes, that's working because also it will make you easier to create articles because of the orientation channeled hobby.
2. Choose an SEO friendly blog template
Usually a lot of SEO friendly blog template provider that you can choose and use, please search and download SEO friendly blog template that looks according to your fit for the blog, SEO friendly template is a little different with Default templates that have not been modified, in general the blog template SEO friendly structure has been modified and adapted to things that search engines consider liked, the goal is to have the blog using the template's article More liked by search engine robots so it will be easy to find in the best position.
3. Make at least 5 articles as the main base of your blog.
Start to create a quality article for readers, easy to understand and certainly the content of the article should match the theme for your blog. Kalo you can be advised for any article at least 1000 words or more, according to the analysis that has been examined by serpIQ, related SEO, blog articles have a lot of words that are 1500-2000 words or more it will be easier to find By search engines in the best order and can survive well.
4. Register your blog to the search engines
The purpose of registering a blog to a search engine is so that the blog you have is easier to recognize by such search engines, how search engines can find your blog if you know it yet, without the actually registered blog you can Found Google by itself but it takes a long time until the search engine recognizes your blog page. Therefore to accelerate and simplify the search engine to recognize your blog, you better register manually and after you successfully register please submit the Sitemap also therein. You can then control and monitor how the search robot activity against your blog page. Then Submit the blog and each blog article then submit the URL in Google. As well as resubmit the Sitemap URL of your blog in Google Webmaster tools every time you finish creating the article.
5. Learn and involve SEO optimization on-page and off-page for your blog.
SEO optimization OnPage is all forms of optimization efforts that you implement from the internal side of the blog itself. You need to know a lot of SEO optimization techniques for on-page that you can use for blog articles. You will get a positive effect of SEO optimization on-page by trying and seeing the results, and you will know which SEO optimization is suitable for the blog article. To date that feels the most role to improve the site page ranking in the search results is SEO optimization of page, one of which is the role of backlink existence, many ways that you can strive to build backlinks, but to This one case should be careful, because if indiscriminately not the gains gained but the biggest risk can be a web action spam and the risk of your blog is removed from circulation.
6. Prototyping
Since you're aiming to create a blog for SEO, prototyping is a must-do. For me, creating a blog (SEO Friendly) was like an architect who would build a house. First, make an image in advance, make planning-planning, so that when later executed, you've figured out what the Sajaya should execute, not the road without a goal. This Prototyping includes several things: Keyword research, Keyword Mapping, UI and UX
7. The article
Do not origin, do not buy. Note whether the writing you write (or maybe you buy) is really worth publishing. Learn about spelling, punctuation and so on. That's if you really want to seriously make a true blog.
8. Link Building
This is the final stage. Do not get too very excited, free have a blog Cepet page One but just survive a few months. Make mature planning first, know the cause of the use of the strategy, avoid high risk, if there is a risky strategy to use, know the handling in advance. Without it, you will be grinning yourself if suddenly the ranking is down.
9. Format Blogger Post URL links
Permalink plays a big role in the search engine rankings on your posts. There are some rules that everyone should follow for Blogspot permalink: preserve the number of characters on the title of the post up to 50 and remove the Stop Words from the permalink (ex: A, An, The).
When writing a blog post, you have the option to edit the permalink. Simply use to edit your permalink and remove the stop words. A good idea is to just use the keywords in your permalink. (Don't make it look spam).
When writing a blog post, you get the option in your right panel to keep it automatically permalink or permalink manual. Just select the manual link and edit it as you see fit. See this screenshot for example:
10. Preserve keyword Density
Keyword density is an important aspect to rank better. Too little will cause fewer rankings and your keyword stuffing will lead to excessive optimization. I usually maintain a ratio of 2%/post along with LSI keywords.
In fact, you can choose the keyword density for your SEO Blog post, the account that suits you. Publish the relevant article with the post title and include the necessary keywords in the post.
Never incorporate keywords to manipulate search engines. But once you're done writing, you can analyze the entire post to find out which location matches where keywords can be entered securely without disturbing the reader. You can also use phrases that help you with content optimization.
11. Proper Blogspot Label and related posts
The Label on BlogSpot adds keyword density to the post. The Label should be widened instead of placing it into a narrow category. Consider a situation when you post about Google Chrome and place it on a software label or Windows browser. Here you will lose keywords like Chrome browser, Google Chrome, etc. That would otherwise add keyword density to the whole post.
Labels also affect related post widgets in Blogger. And if there are so many posts marked with the same label, it will affect the article's settings in the related post.
12. Format your Blogspot images for SEO
It is to add Alt tags and title tags in each image. In WordPress, this can be easily accomplished using the plugin but on BlogSpot, this needs to be done manually. You must enter it manually after uploading each image. Here is the popular ShoutMeLoud guide on image optimization for SEO.
13. Provide a META tag
Meta tags are HTML tags generated by search engines to identify titles, descriptions, and other URL details. They don't have much influence on searches like before but will make little impact on targeted keywords. Provide great headlines, descriptions and footer text
Titles, footnotes, and descriptions play an important role in the search engine optimization of every blog. If you're targeting, some keywords make sure that you've entered those keywords in the locations mentioned above.
14. Do not follow external links
Nofollow is the HTML attribute specified on the hyperlink to block search engine profits from external links within a website. In Blogger, you can select the HTML section of the Post window and add the rel = "no follow" attribute right after the URL to prevent search engines from crawling certain links. Also read: How to add the Nofollow link attribute to any links.
15. Formatting the comments section
The comments section should not be followed and moderated to avoid spam comments. Try to enter a post keyword when you reply to a reader comment. This will also add to the total keyword density of the post. Blogspot is a Google baby blogging platform, and if you do it right, you'll get good traffic. Always get your basic rights.
16. Give good headlines, descriptions and footer text
Titles, footnotes, and descriptions play an important role in the search engine optimization of every blog. If you're targeting, some keywords make sure that you've entered those keywords in the locations mentioned above.
17. Do not follow external links
Nofollow is the HTML attribute specified on the hyperlink to block search engine profits from external links within a website. In Blogger, you can select the HTML section of the Post window and add the rel = "no follow" attribute right after the URL to prevent search engines from crawling certain links. Also read: How to add the Nofollow link attribute to any links.
18. Formatting the comments section
The comments section should not be followed and moderated to avoid spam comments. Try to enter a post keyword when you reply to a reader comment. This will also add a total keyword density to the post.
Blogspot is a Google baby blogging platform, and if you do it right, you'll get good traffic. Always get your basic rights.
What you can do to rank better on Google in addition to the points already described above, to achieve a better ranking on Google you can follow the following steps:
Patience may be the most important characteristic you need if you want to succeed in the online world. Search engines are organized by Algorithm ranking complexes, they have a lot of data to manage, the competition is tight, and it takes time to convince them if you deserve to be in the top position in their rankings.
Hiring a trusted SEO agency
The Internet is essential to any type of business and sometimes when you don't get the results you want, it might be better to hand them over to the expert person. Submit this task to an SEO agency so the best thing you can do and the cost will not be as expensive as you think.
Forget Google for a while
Don't be obsessed with Google as this will make you make mistakes. Instead of checking your ranking stats many times every day, what you better do is forget about Google while concentrating on finding other ways to increase traffic. It not only helps you not to rely on Google but also vary your traffic sources when you want to build a solid online presence.
Take advantage of social media presence
When Google waits to find and recognize your good work, you can take advantage of social media to make you more visible. Selection of Blog titles or content to get ranked faster on Google
When choosing what to write on the blog (topics, article titles, content, and so on), it is important to understand 2 basic concepts. First, content is the most important success factor for any website or blog, so in this section, you have to spend the most time.
Secondly, you should be aware that you are not alone and you are not only creating good content but also having to compete with other websites that also create good content. Here's what you can do to minimize this competition.
Before beginning to write a blog post next, ask this question to yourself:
Choosing a Blog Post title
Blog Title post is important because of 3 main reasons:
Some important points for you to remember:
Add a new post on your Facebook page.
This will be the message to your fans. Later this method generates traffic from Facebook or likes to the blog post you need. Share the Facebook post you've posted above to your Facebook friends using your Facebook personal account. Put other words into your personal timeline, and like and share the post directly from your business page.
Repeat the same process on your Google + Business page and Google + personal page. Suppose you've shared a new post on your Google + business page and then shared the post in your Google + personal lifecycle.
Create tweets about your new post.
You can do different tests to find out which time you tweet best to have the best feedback. Actually, you need to do something similar on Facebook and Google + and find a special period when most followers are online. The easiest way to do this is to publish a post or tweet in the morning, noon, or evening of the week and identify which time gives you more likes, tweets, and so on.
Use interesting descriptions on your social media posts. Sometimes the title is not enough to draw the reader's attention, so try more creatively but right on target. Avoid long sentences or paragraphs.
Keyword optimization (Keywords)
Use keywords that are much sought after. The first thing that should be in your head when creating an article is whether the topic is much sought after by people through Google. One of the keywords tools that can be used like ubersuggest.
Include keywords in the article
After you have performed the topic or the keyword of the blog post article, do not forget to include the keyword at least the title and 100 The first word (in the article content).
Use Variations in keywords
Not everyone will search by phrase exactly as you wrote. Make a variety of relevant keywords in the topic naturally and don't be impressed with spamming.
More articles about keywords
If you want to target one of the keywords as a source of traffic on your website, then the content needed to bring out the keyword must be varied. At least create post 3-5 articles about the keywords you're targeting.
Content optimization Blog Post (Content)
A unique post. Don't get used to copying paste. With algorithms such as Google Panda, Google SandBox and others, content with low quality and the origin of Copas will be fractalized by itself.
Minimum article length of 250 words
Make it easy to create articles that are roughly able to look at what people are looking for through Google. Also, quality articles with 350-500 words will make visitors linger on your website (increase AVG time on site).
Provide downloadable content
If needed, you can also provide content in the form of files (documents, podcasts, videos, etc.) to be downloaded by website visitors. The existence of downloadable content can increase event/action and reduce your Web pogo rate.
Link optimization (Link)
Internal optimization linking. Create links to and from other articles on your website that are on a single topic. Includes updating your old articles by giving links to new articles.
Don't stingy backlinks to referral sites
If you write one topic that has a major reference, sometimes giving a backlink in your article that goes to another website is a positive thing from the SEO side.
Spamming links ‒ BIG NO!
Don't make each of your keywords as a link clickable. Create each link with the relevant anchor text and make the reader comfortable when clicking on the link.
URL structure Optimization
Create a short, representative URL. Use relevant keywords as the URL of the article and make it as agile as possible. If possible, avoid URL structures with unnecessary subfolders (/).
Note the length of the URL
In creating the Post URL, no need for the entire title entered in the article link. Create a URL that is short but representative and does not make misperception that reads it.
Image optimization on Blog Post
Use keywords on images. Try to give the image file a name with a keyword. Don't forget to include ALT tags as well as a caption on the image in the article with the appropriate phrases.
The shortest possible file size
The too-large image sizes can make your web loading slow. Use the compressor tool that can shrink the image size like tiny jpg.
Use the Original image (no stock)
Ideally, the image you use in an SEO-friendly article is your own photo instead of a freely acquired stock photo on the internet. Photos that you create authentically, informative, and relevant will make the article more appreciated by Google.
Rich Snippet Optimization
Among all the optimization suggestions above, arguably, this method is the last article optimization method post-Google Core update 6 June. The emergence of SERP Features in the Google Search Console menu forces search marketing practitioners to better present more informative writing using the Org schema structure as well as the feature blocks in writing. Here's how to do the SERP optimization feature in your article.
Use Jump Links (Table of Contents)
Creating a jump link by utilizing an id attribute on a heading tag can help bring up site links in the search results column. The Jump links example can be seen in the table of contents above or by clicking on this link: List of contents.
Insert Table in article
With the increasingly powerful Google robots in reading your writing, they can also capture important info if you present in the form of tables. Examples of featured snippets from the table in the article can be seen when searching for "price list Pajero" or "Live History example" on Google.
Seo Google
Provide appropriate captions such as: How articles are optimized to appear on Google
The method above so some of the best ways to promote your blog post without needing to spend a lot of time. There are also a number of ways that you need to avoid if you want to minimize the risk of getting penalties from Google or Facebook.
If you are a beginner blogger and still confused about how to start SEO, here are the SEO steps that you can start to optimize his blog:
1. Selection of Niche Blogs
Niche selection is the most important thing in creating a blog. In creating the work it takes knowledge of the work you will make. So, even if you use the author's services though, you'll keep a double check on the posts they later make.
It's not only about money, but it's also about the soul. Because what you later wrote will be a reference to many people. A blog should be accountable for its contents, so if the orientation is just money, it will surely fall in the middle of the road if the money is not in the can. This kind of thing you can learn from Real Blogger or Youtube Creator. Their orientation is not money, but instead eventually so money (which is greater than what he thinks). This is the so-called authority. Not DA/PA Authority Yes, but your authority as author of such a blog. Know yourself first, what is your hobby? Yes, that's working because also it will make you easier to create articles because of the orientation channeled hobby.
2. Choose an SEO friendly blog template
Usually a lot of SEO friendly blog template provider that you can choose and use, please search and download SEO friendly blog template that looks according to your fit for the blog, SEO friendly template is a little different with Default templates that have not been modified, in general the blog template SEO friendly structure has been modified and adapted to things that search engines consider liked, the goal is to have the blog using the template's article More liked by search engine robots so it will be easy to find in the best position.
3. Make at least 5 articles as the main base of your blog.
Start to create a quality article for readers, easy to understand and certainly the content of the article should match the theme for your blog. Kalo you can be advised for any article at least 1000 words or more, according to the analysis that has been examined by serpIQ, related SEO, blog articles have a lot of words that are 1500-2000 words or more it will be easier to find By search engines in the best order and can survive well.
4. Register your blog to the search engines
The purpose of registering a blog to a search engine is so that the blog you have is easier to recognize by such search engines, how search engines can find your blog if you know it yet, without the actually registered blog you can Found Google by itself but it takes a long time until the search engine recognizes your blog page. Therefore to accelerate and simplify the search engine to recognize your blog, you better register manually and after you successfully register please submit the Sitemap also therein. You can then control and monitor how the search robot activity against your blog page. Then Submit the blog and each blog article then submit the URL in Google. As well as resubmit the Sitemap URL of your blog in Google Webmaster tools every time you finish creating the article.
5. Learn and involve SEO optimization on-page and off-page for your blog.
SEO optimization OnPage is all forms of optimization efforts that you implement from the internal side of the blog itself. You need to know a lot of SEO optimization techniques for on-page that you can use for blog articles. You will get a positive effect of SEO optimization on-page by trying and seeing the results, and you will know which SEO optimization is suitable for the blog article. To date that feels the most role to improve the site page ranking in the search results is SEO optimization of page, one of which is the role of backlink existence, many ways that you can strive to build backlinks, but to This one case should be careful, because if indiscriminately not the gains gained but the biggest risk can be a web action spam and the risk of your blog is removed from circulation.
6. Prototyping
Since you're aiming to create a blog for SEO, prototyping is a must-do. For me, creating a blog (SEO Friendly) was like an architect who would build a house. First, make an image in advance, make planning-planning, so that when later executed, you've figured out what the Sajaya should execute, not the road without a goal. This Prototyping includes several things: Keyword research, Keyword Mapping, UI and UX
7. The article
Do not origin, do not buy. Note whether the writing you write (or maybe you buy) is really worth publishing. Learn about spelling, punctuation and so on. That's if you really want to seriously make a true blog.
8. Link Building
This is the final stage. Do not get too very excited, free have a blog Cepet page One but just survive a few months. Make mature planning first, know the cause of the use of the strategy, avoid high risk, if there is a risky strategy to use, know the handling in advance. Without it, you will be grinning yourself if suddenly the ranking is down.
9. Format Blogger Post URL links
Permalink plays a big role in the search engine rankings on your posts. There are some rules that everyone should follow for Blogspot permalink: preserve the number of characters on the title of the post up to 50 and remove the Stop Words from the permalink (ex: A, An, The).
When writing a blog post, you have the option to edit the permalink. Simply use to edit your permalink and remove the stop words. A good idea is to just use the keywords in your permalink. (Don't make it look spam).
When writing a blog post, you get the option in your right panel to keep it automatically permalink or permalink manual. Just select the manual link and edit it as you see fit. See this screenshot for example:
10. Preserve keyword Density
Keyword density is an important aspect to rank better. Too little will cause fewer rankings and your keyword stuffing will lead to excessive optimization. I usually maintain a ratio of 2%/post along with LSI keywords.
In fact, you can choose the keyword density for your SEO Blog post, the account that suits you. Publish the relevant article with the post title and include the necessary keywords in the post.
Never incorporate keywords to manipulate search engines. But once you're done writing, you can analyze the entire post to find out which location matches where keywords can be entered securely without disturbing the reader. You can also use phrases that help you with content optimization.
11. Proper Blogspot Label and related posts
The Label on BlogSpot adds keyword density to the post. The Label should be widened instead of placing it into a narrow category. Consider a situation when you post about Google Chrome and place it on a software label or Windows browser. Here you will lose keywords like Chrome browser, Google Chrome, etc. That would otherwise add keyword density to the whole post.
Labels also affect related post widgets in Blogger. And if there are so many posts marked with the same label, it will affect the article's settings in the related post.
12. Format your Blogspot images for SEO
It is to add Alt tags and title tags in each image. In WordPress, this can be easily accomplished using the plugin but on BlogSpot, this needs to be done manually. You must enter it manually after uploading each image. Here is the popular ShoutMeLoud guide on image optimization for SEO.
13. Provide a META tag
Meta tags are HTML tags generated by search engines to identify titles, descriptions, and other URL details. They don't have much influence on searches like before but will make little impact on targeted keywords. Provide great headlines, descriptions and footer text
Titles, footnotes, and descriptions play an important role in the search engine optimization of every blog. If you're targeting, some keywords make sure that you've entered those keywords in the locations mentioned above.
14. Do not follow external links
Nofollow is the HTML attribute specified on the hyperlink to block search engine profits from external links within a website. In Blogger, you can select the HTML section of the Post window and add the rel = "no follow" attribute right after the URL to prevent search engines from crawling certain links. Also read: How to add the Nofollow link attribute to any links.
15. Formatting the comments section
The comments section should not be followed and moderated to avoid spam comments. Try to enter a post keyword when you reply to a reader comment. This will also add to the total keyword density of the post. Blogspot is a Google baby blogging platform, and if you do it right, you'll get good traffic. Always get your basic rights.
16. Give good headlines, descriptions and footer text
Titles, footnotes, and descriptions play an important role in the search engine optimization of every blog. If you're targeting, some keywords make sure that you've entered those keywords in the locations mentioned above.
17. Do not follow external links
Nofollow is the HTML attribute specified on the hyperlink to block search engine profits from external links within a website. In Blogger, you can select the HTML section of the Post window and add the rel = "no follow" attribute right after the URL to prevent search engines from crawling certain links. Also read: How to add the Nofollow link attribute to any links.
18. Formatting the comments section
The comments section should not be followed and moderated to avoid spam comments. Try to enter a post keyword when you reply to a reader comment. This will also add a total keyword density to the post.
Blogspot is a Google baby blogging platform, and if you do it right, you'll get good traffic. Always get your basic rights.
What you can do to rank better on Google in addition to the points already described above, to achieve a better ranking on Google you can follow the following steps:
Patience may be the most important characteristic you need if you want to succeed in the online world. Search engines are organized by Algorithm ranking complexes, they have a lot of data to manage, the competition is tight, and it takes time to convince them if you deserve to be in the top position in their rankings.
Hiring a trusted SEO agency
The Internet is essential to any type of business and sometimes when you don't get the results you want, it might be better to hand them over to the expert person. Submit this task to an SEO agency so the best thing you can do and the cost will not be as expensive as you think.
Forget Google for a while
Don't be obsessed with Google as this will make you make mistakes. Instead of checking your ranking stats many times every day, what you better do is forget about Google while concentrating on finding other ways to increase traffic. It not only helps you not to rely on Google but also vary your traffic sources when you want to build a solid online presence.
Take advantage of social media presence
When Google waits to find and recognize your good work, you can take advantage of social media to make you more visible. Selection of Blog titles or content to get ranked faster on Google
When choosing what to write on the blog (topics, article titles, content, and so on), it is important to understand 2 basic concepts. First, content is the most important success factor for any website or blog, so in this section, you have to spend the most time.
Secondly, you should be aware that you are not alone and you are not only creating good content but also having to compete with other websites that also create good content. Here's what you can do to minimize this competition.
Before beginning to write a blog post next, ask this question to yourself:
- What will be the topic of my post?
- Did my post answer the question and solved the problem?
- What do others write about similar topics?
- How do I distinguish my content from existing posts and make it better?
Choosing a Blog Post title
Blog Title post is important because of 3 main reasons:
- Good headlines will attract more readers and social media attention
- A good headline is important for SEO purposes
Some important points for you to remember:
- You not only need to create good content but also have to choose the title of the blog carefully after conducting keyword analysis using the keyword tool and competition analysis by searching for related terms in Google.
- By choosing a blog title with low competition you can increase the chances of entering higher rankings.
- The first thing you do is select the blog topic, search for the title, and write the content.
- Once you've published your content, make sure you promote your blog in the best way.
- Include keywords in the blog post title, but don't overdo it.
- Do not follow the above procedure for all your blog posts. Pilh First blog post where to optimization with the above method but also make sure you have a post that is non-optimization on your website or blog.
Add a new post on your Facebook page.
This will be the message to your fans. Later this method generates traffic from Facebook or likes to the blog post you need. Share the Facebook post you've posted above to your Facebook friends using your Facebook personal account. Put other words into your personal timeline, and like and share the post directly from your business page.
Repeat the same process on your Google + Business page and Google + personal page. Suppose you've shared a new post on your Google + business page and then shared the post in your Google + personal lifecycle.
Create tweets about your new post.
You can do different tests to find out which time you tweet best to have the best feedback. Actually, you need to do something similar on Facebook and Google + and find a special period when most followers are online. The easiest way to do this is to publish a post or tweet in the morning, noon, or evening of the week and identify which time gives you more likes, tweets, and so on.
Use interesting descriptions on your social media posts. Sometimes the title is not enough to draw the reader's attention, so try more creatively but right on target. Avoid long sentences or paragraphs.
Keyword optimization (Keywords)
Use keywords that are much sought after. The first thing that should be in your head when creating an article is whether the topic is much sought after by people through Google. One of the keywords tools that can be used like ubersuggest.
Include keywords in the article
After you have performed the topic or the keyword of the blog post article, do not forget to include the keyword at least the title and 100 The first word (in the article content).
Use Variations in keywords
Not everyone will search by phrase exactly as you wrote. Make a variety of relevant keywords in the topic naturally and don't be impressed with spamming.
More articles about keywords
If you want to target one of the keywords as a source of traffic on your website, then the content needed to bring out the keyword must be varied. At least create post 3-5 articles about the keywords you're targeting.
Content optimization Blog Post (Content)
A unique post. Don't get used to copying paste. With algorithms such as Google Panda, Google SandBox and others, content with low quality and the origin of Copas will be fractalized by itself.
Minimum article length of 250 words
Make it easy to create articles that are roughly able to look at what people are looking for through Google. Also, quality articles with 350-500 words will make visitors linger on your website (increase AVG time on site).
Provide downloadable content
If needed, you can also provide content in the form of files (documents, podcasts, videos, etc.) to be downloaded by website visitors. The existence of downloadable content can increase event/action and reduce your Web pogo rate.
Link optimization (Link)
Internal optimization linking. Create links to and from other articles on your website that are on a single topic. Includes updating your old articles by giving links to new articles.
Don't stingy backlinks to referral sites
If you write one topic that has a major reference, sometimes giving a backlink in your article that goes to another website is a positive thing from the SEO side.
Spamming links ‒ BIG NO!
Don't make each of your keywords as a link clickable. Create each link with the relevant anchor text and make the reader comfortable when clicking on the link.
URL structure Optimization
Create a short, representative URL. Use relevant keywords as the URL of the article and make it as agile as possible. If possible, avoid URL structures with unnecessary subfolders (/).
Note the length of the URL
In creating the Post URL, no need for the entire title entered in the article link. Create a URL that is short but representative and does not make misperception that reads it.
Image optimization on Blog Post
Use keywords on images. Try to give the image file a name with a keyword. Don't forget to include ALT tags as well as a caption on the image in the article with the appropriate phrases.
The shortest possible file size
The too-large image sizes can make your web loading slow. Use the compressor tool that can shrink the image size like tiny jpg.
Use the Original image (no stock)
Ideally, the image you use in an SEO-friendly article is your own photo instead of a freely acquired stock photo on the internet. Photos that you create authentically, informative, and relevant will make the article more appreciated by Google.
Rich Snippet Optimization
Among all the optimization suggestions above, arguably, this method is the last article optimization method post-Google Core update 6 June. The emergence of SERP Features in the Google Search Console menu forces search marketing practitioners to better present more informative writing using the Org schema structure as well as the feature blocks in writing. Here's how to do the SERP optimization feature in your article.
Use Jump Links (Table of Contents)
Creating a jump link by utilizing an id attribute on a heading tag can help bring up site links in the search results column. The Jump links example can be seen in the table of contents above or by clicking on this link: List of contents.
Insert Table in article
With the increasingly powerful Google robots in reading your writing, they can also capture important info if you present in the form of tables. Examples of featured snippets from the table in the article can be seen when searching for "price list Pajero" or "Live History example" on Google.
Seo Google
Provide appropriate captions such as: How articles are optimized to appear on Google
The method above so some of the best ways to promote your blog post without needing to spend a lot of time. There are also a number of ways that you need to avoid if you want to minimize the risk of getting penalties from Google or Facebook.
- Add a blog post link in the comments section of another blog. You also don't have to receive a comment with a link because it's usually not to comment on the website but to get a link from your web.
- Rewrite the same post and send it as a guest post. This action is not a good idea. Guest posts are so great way to build a link when you do it the right way.
- Join the blogging community and give each other information about new posts. It's also not a good idea. You should avoid ways that involve exchanging links with other bloggers.
- Add your post link as a comment on your Facebook page. This is considered a spamming action and when it often does you will get a penalty from Facebook.