Tutorial How to Flash Advan S50 4G Model i5G Bootloop

Handphone brand Advan much in demand by the people of Indonesia, because the Android phone Advan is android with a decent price is prices by people with a middle-lower economy. In terms of material quality and the function also Advan good enough, proved with the best selling Advan Type Tabled as a game media children of Indonesia.

On this occasion, I will share a tutorial on how do I flash a handphone on the brand Advan S50 4G model i5G who experienced boot loop stuck on the logo boot Advan when turned on.

There are 2 ways to flash Advan S50 4G, first use the PAC extension file with the help of the software Research Download Tool or Upgrade Doanload Tool. Both use nfile extention CPB with the help of software QGDP Assembly. In this tutorial I will discuss flash Advan S50 4G using QGDP Assembly with Firmware extention file CPB.

First donload the material through the following link:
The 3rd Ekstrack material above after Seledai download, to be younger extract only to Dekstop. Install SPD Driver Miracle Instalation. Follow the image below to process the Intalasinya.

If the driver install process appears confirmation notification select Allow Install Driver, so that the process of installing the SPD drivers is perfect.

After you have finished installing the Drive SPD, connect the computer with the Internet network and open the QGDP Assembly application by right click QGDP Assembly. exe and then select Run as Administrator.

Klick Login Menu several times until the TEST profile appears.

Klick Confiq to load file Firmware advan S50 4g PAC, as shown in the screenshot below:

Connect Advan S50 4G with a computer via a USB cable by previously pressing the Volume Up and Down keys simultaneously then plug the USB connector. When Windows detects the connected hardware device Klick Menu Scan Port on QGDP Assembli. After the serial port appears select and click Save.

Klick Start button to start Flash, Profes Flash will take place automatically for a few minutes, wait until the flash   process is completed.

Here I have a flash failure Advan   S50 4G in the dead condition Total, has been done flash several times but when the percentage close to 98% always end in failure. If the condition is already like this, a possible step is to try to flash using the Research Download Tool or   the Upgrade Download Tool. If it still does not work like the appearance of Enable Read Partition or Incompatible Partition   mean eMMC Advan S50 4G is already problematic and should be replaced Emmcnya.

After the flash success and finish, unplug or disconnect the USB cable then try to turn on the Advan S50 4G. In normal EMMC condition should be done flash Advan S50 4G can be turned on normally back without any constraints.
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