One Adsense account Ideally for how many blogs here explanation

Working as a writer on a site or having a Blog or Website itself is a fun job. What's more, if you do wholeheartedly and that's because Hobby is not because it pursues revenue. There is one problem that becomes the pros and cons of blog owners who have many Adsense accounts?

Dizziness and frustration of having to check the account is a violation or not. There is a term  "do not place the same basket of eggs " means do not use one Adsense account with many blogs. If an error occurs then the entire Blog will get the affected.

It's not new if the Adsense account was Banned by Google due to the cheating of others. If we only use one account then every day can monitor via Smartphone. Just imagine if you have multiple Adsense accounts and have to log in repeatedly on the same device. Dizziness, Stress and finally you will be lazy to check the health of your account.

If you use 1 Adsense account you can monitor which blogs are committing violations and quickly you can take action. One quick action you can do is temporarily uninstalling Adsense ads until the condition improves on that blog. That's a simple tip using 1 Adsense account.

Then what is the ideal Blog/WEB If we use 1 Adsense account? As an explanation, some AdSense publisher bloggers limit the number of blogs/Web in 1 Adsense account. The function of this is to make it easier to check the movement in the ad. If you're using Android PHONES, we can see the clickthrough rate (RKT).

If that high Adsense CPC/CPC is good news but if the percentage of CTR is high then you should be wary of it. There is actually no limit to the Blog for one Adsense account but just imagine if your blog 100 is installed on 1 account then how to view it. What's more, the blog traffic is a small average and it's easiest to hit Google alerts.

1  Adsense account used well for a minimum of 3 blogs and a maximum of 10 blogs

Why do I mention 3 blogs instead of 1 Blog?... If 1 blog and traffic are in and not enough, Adsense revenue can be no more than $100 per month. If you use 3 blogs then I'm sure you can PO every month. Udah tired daily, but on the 21st or 22nd no payday.

Then why a maximum of just 10 blogs instead of 100 blogs, Do not be greedy because if it is in your mind, God will not give you the best for you. Manage at least 5 to 10 Blogs only and Update in turn. See the results you will not be giddy and all blogs can update with the time not long.

Currently, I only manage 4 blogs only and I do updates every day. Once when managing 1 Blog I can update 4 to 6 articles in one day. Currently, each of my blog updates daily with one article. The results of the Blog are considered active by Google and each of my writing is easy Page One. Unlike the infrequent blog Update, the more days your Blog ranks will degenerate.

How quite obviously not my story above... Hopefully, open your eyes and your mind to create a Blog just as you can. Use one Adsense account and be well cared for so you can earn a monthly salary from Adsense.
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