Brief and Clear AMP Blog Explanation

Some people may already know what AMP is. The Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) is a feature of Google that can be easily implemented on your personal website. The advantage of AMP features is to make sure the content that's on your website can be accessed faster. So that it can increase the number of visitors on the website that has its AMP feature.

In the way, the Google AMP Firur work is essentially almost similar to Facebook Instant Articles. However, Google AMP features are used on different platforms. Facebook Instant Articles uses Facebook's social media platform, with Google AMP using Google's search engine as its platform. A website that uses Google AMP features you can see directly using Google search results.

Then how to increase your blog or website visitors by using Google AMP features. Because basically, Google AMP's hunted will make your website pages lighter and accessible. In usage such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML will be minimized by the presence of AMP so that it takes less and more effective loading time.

On the technical, here the AMP feature will store the website cache at first. And this cache is what will later be loaded in a browser so there is no need to download the file repeatedly to just open the website that will be opened if it is the same address. To create a Google AMP page, there are three main components you need.


In AMP HTML is a part of HTML for article content like news and more. In AMP HTML consists of a custom tag such as amp-image, ad amp, and AMP-video. In the AMP HTML structure itself minimizes the use of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML tags. The way to increase blog visitors through an AMP HTML feature will give you priority access through mobile. Some of the things you can do with AMP HTML features include adjusting the image, shrinking the size in CSS or HTML and also performing inline CSS.


The definition of AMP JS is a framework on JavaScript that aims to accelerate access through mobile devices or smartphones with an asynchronous method. The rendering process on this web page will be faster with AMP JS. However, the thing you need to remember, in the use of JavaScript yourself from a third party can not be done by AMP. READ ALSO: high-traffic blogs receive Content Placement articles.


Which when is the Google AMP in charge will store a website file so that when if accessed repeatedly you do not need to take it back on the server computer. The Cache will be activated when a visitor accesses your website or opens the same website. So in the access becomes faster. This is what underlies the addition of AMP features to make accessing your website easier.

Then, there are benefits with this Google AMP. Here are some of the benefits you can get.

Increase visitors block or Website

One of the purposes of this Google AMP is for easy and fast access. So it will increase the presence of users on the website and you. Visitors will leave your blog if page speed or speed is below average. Besides that, the Lemot blog is also hard to compete on the Google homepage.

Improve your Website rankings

With a fast-loading, the Google search engine indirectly will give you a good ranking on your website. Due to fast loading and number of visits to the block or website. Who does not like and is happy when his blog rankings on Alexa escalates even through a large site. By looking at these parameters, we can make sure every article you create will be young Page One on the Google homepage.

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