Beginner Blogging Guide Starting Early to Generate

Working in the online world turned out to be not as easy as many people imagine. As my current work is becoming a writer on multiple blogs with different types of material that I have to master. No wonder the authors of the blog are required to read the latest information so don't miss it. Here I will try to make an easy guide for beginner Blogging.

Many of us have been satisfied when we can create a blog and design your own templates by taking a free version. It used to be when I first got to know what a blog, very pleased though writing knowledge does not exist. Here I will uninstall how to make a true blog and produce.

I'm not going to make a guide on how to create a blog because of the article I've created. Please read: How to create a blog starting early up to earn millions of Rupiah. Here I will only cover what points to be aware of when creating a blog so that it is not wasted and the more the day it brings Visitor.

Beginner Blogging Guide starting early to generate

1. TLD Domain

TLD (Top Level Domain) is the last name of a blog shown. Free domain ( while Domain TLD ( First, choose a name that fits a nice blog buddy. Try to use common names that people are looking for like (,,,, etc.).

The use of the TLD Domain will faster help the blog buddy compete on the Google homepage. If only make a blog please use a free of charge but if you to get income in the future please use it even if you have to spend capital. The Domain price of each site differs indifference and for. com averages above 100 thousand per year.

2. Premium templates

Using a Premium Template is a huge effect on the survival of blog buddy. Using a Blog Template that is free version is not wrong but sometimes the results are less than maximum. We have to refine the structure of the data in the Template. Not to mention in the Template free version many links belong to the template owner and sometimes there is an Error.

The Premium price Template is about 100 thousand more and that Buddy will get the latest version of Ap when doing the update. Just buy one time alone can be used for life. If you are a beginner, you can try to use the AMP Premium Template but you should understand the procedure for posting an article so that it doesn't happen.

3. Register to Google Webmaster Tools

This step is often ignored by novice bloggers as the average doesn't understand. After Domain and Template then the next is registering to Google Webmaster Tool's blog buddy. No, you register also does what it is but the process of detecting articles by Google will take quite a long time. This registration is quite once and is quite easy.

Here is not just a blog link that you Daftrakan but each finished writing an article then the link of the article you are obliged to submit to the Console. Please do that by Copy Link article and paste it in Search Console then send a request. With these two way, Buddy was already helpful blog articles quickly detected Google.

4. Write an Original article

Never think of becoming a Blog writer it just sits sweet. Buddy must struggle to find a writing idea so that blogs can develop and bring a lot of visitors. Writing your own articles or self-thought results will be easy to compete on Google's homepage rather than Rewrite. What's more, if a buddy does a Copy Paste then don't hope the blog lasts long.

Every time a buddy writes his own thought results then the vocabulary will come out by itself. The article can write to the board freely and can belong. Instead, the rewritten article is sometimes similar, so Google can detect it. Buddy will not be a creative writer and consequently one can not write anymore.

5. Update the article every day

This stage is the hardest thing for a Blogger to yet still work in the real world. Make a buddy that still works then so the Blog author should not be too forced, if busy can break first. My Way while still working first is the author is enough 1 article one day by using the time in the evening before bedtime.

Another way to update the article every day is to write using Android HP. The speed of writing using Smartphones turns out to be more surefire when we are relaxed somewhere and it is quite like to do. The daily update of the article then Google will read your Blog faster and sure enough 2 months the visitor can be a lot.

6. List of blogs to Google Adsense

Every Blog/WEB expects to be accepted by Google Adsense. Now to get approval is very difficult so please be patient. Do not rush to register the blog if not to in the decline. The requirements that I read the blog age at least 6 months old but there are blogs that only a few weeks have been received.

Here I don't recommend Buddy to hunt down on accept Adsense but focus on the Visitor. If many blogs have visitors then it is quite easy to make money. Sobat can do JV (Joint Venture) with other sites that have an account. Sobat can also buy it because currently, the price is quite cheap, about 300 thousand only.

It was a stage for a beginner who tried to plunge into the Blogging world. If you follow the latest information later there will be many ways to get the idea of writing through a particular Tool. In addition, the idea of creating title articles will also be easy buddy do. The more cool the knowledge of Sobat will increase as it will read more before writing.

Just 6 basic that I share for my buddy. Actually still much more but with the above six stages, I'm sure my buddy can be a success. If you are still confused please ask a question in the comment field and good luck through writing that a friend can make. Good luck and do not forget to Pray.
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