7 Common Mistakes Blogger Beginners do

Nowadays the world of blogging not only to channel a hobby, but many also make this fun activity to get income, even some people who have long been in the field of blogging get the main income From the blog he manages.

That is, of course, some people are increasingly interested in trying to plunge into the blogging world, but you need to know if enough of the same mistakes made by many newcomers bloggers, here I will write some mistakes That often newcomers bloggers do.

7 Common Mistakes bloggers beginner

1. Money-oriented

This is the most frequent mistake I've encountered including I've ever experienced here, no one's hoping to earn income from the blog that you manage and see the blog of seniors who have successfully generated millions to hundreds of million Monthly is a good motivation.

But you also need to be aware of all these things are not getting the Mastah in a short period, they have a lot of Trial and Error until the end of him get the voluntetesses in their own way.

If you're blogging is only money-oriented, then chances are 2 this will happen to you:

exhorting the quality of articles

Because you thought from the beginning only your money will be less concerned about the quality of the article, you will probably write what many people have said in hopes of quickly getting visitors who can convert into money.

Easy Surrender

Because you're money oriented if you've been managing a blog that you manage for a few months it turns out that results in nil can, of course, you will be disappointed and most likely you will stop becoming a blogger.

Just focus on Google Adsense

Google Adsense is just 1 of the many options how you can earn money from blogs that you manage, I often see newcomers giving questions:

How is his Google AdSense accepted?

How do I get a lot of Google AdSense results?

The question is often I see but rarely I see the question of how to make a quality article, whereas if the article we make quality and do not violate the TOS, surely its Google AdSense party would be happy Receive our blog as their partner (Publisher)

Don't want to learn to write quality articles

What the bloggers presented on their blog is content, and most of that content is written, if you don't want to learn how to write an article that this quality, of course, will be a barrier on the way Your blogging.

The tip is that if you don't want to learn to write an article you could potentially be a Copas author of someone else's article, and of course, it's not recommended.

Choose a Blog design that isn't good at sight

People visit your blog to read the article you're writing, so make your blog look comfortable for long periods, stay away from contrasting color selection and dazzle the eye or add as many widgets as Making the blog loading so heavy.

So how is the Template example or a good look seen? For his example you guys can see SEO Blogger Knowledge, a good blog design in my own opinion has the criteria as below:

  1. An eye-watering color alloy
  2. Use widgets as needed
  3. Not placing ads excessively
  4. Loading blogs that are relatively fast

Choosing the Wrong Niche

A brief understanding of Niche is a theme that you will present in a blog that you manage, many beginners who start blogging by writing a Niche that they don't even like, they write the writing solely because a lot of people Who says if that Niche will bring in a lot of Visitors or make money easier.

When it's the wrong first step if you're a newcomer blogger, if you're just starting out in blogging, choose the Niche you're most passionate about or interested in, so if that Niche you're interested in you'll gladly write a niche The.

His heartfelt writing will surely result in a good quality article, good quality articles will be forthcoming a lot of Visitors from Google, well if you are right to master the niche New You can glance and learn the niche Other.

Not consistent

As much as you write an article or do optimization of a blog his results are not at all maximums if you are inconsistent, a successful blog originated from the consistent attitude of its owner.

For example, his blog Mastimon This, Mas Timon never shares his story on Facebook that inspires the newcomer's bloggers if Mastimon always consistently write 2 articles each day his, his results can you see for yourself on this blog, blog Mastimon so Much to get a lot of visitors every day.

Easy Surrender

Well if you have made a mistake no 1-6 most likely you guys will do this mistake too, that is easy to give up, you guys give up because the blog you manage not be accepted Google AdSense, you guys are easy to make because the blog you guys Manage not to bring a lot of visitors, you guys are easy to give up because look Google AdSense dashboard that never gets the expected result.

Therefore the unyielding attitude must be planted in each of you, I have not gotten income from blogs that can be enough for my daily needs, but I am sure that someday I can reap the results of hard work that I have done so far, so is the suggestion that I always give to myself to have positive properties.

Well, it is the 7 mistakes most often made by novice bloggers, so for you who are new to the field of blogging try to see yourself what you have one of the properties above? If anyone wants to add or correction you can comment below ya.
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